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Galena Park Schools

                                    GUIDING  STUDENTS  TOWARD  THE  FUTURE
                               Volume 8, No. 1                    Back-to-School Edition                        August 2019

                                  EMBRACING EXCELLENCE

   Galena Park Schools
                               The Galena Park Independent School District believes
                               education shapes the future. We embrace every aspect
                               of our mission to “prepare students to become productive
                               citizens and lifelong learners.” We readily accept the
                               charge to provide for the future needs of the local, state
                               and national community. We remain committed to
                               providing “Excellence in All, For All, By All.”

                               Our District continues to grow with over 22,500 students
      Inside this issue:       enrolled at our 27 campuses and programs. We are one

   Page 2                      of the largest employers in the east area of Houston with
     Letter from the Superintendent  approximately 3,000 employees who work diligently to serve our students
     Getting to Know Your GPISD   each and every day.
   Page 3                                                           The 2018-2019 school year was quite eventful. We
     New Student Enrollment                                         celebrated new facilities at Woodland Acres Elementary,
     School Start/Dismissal Times
     Student Dress Code                                             Galena Park Elementary and North Shore Elementary
   Page 4                                                           as well as the grand opening of the North Shore 10th
     Open House                                                     Grade Center. As we approach the first day of school,
     Meet and Greet New Principals                                   the excitement in the District continues as Cloverleaf
   Page 5                                                            Elementary will be starting the 2019-2020 school year in
     Meet the Campus Leadership
     Team                                                            their new facility. We are also excited to announce the
   Page 6                                                            opening of a second childcare center on the North
     Childcare Center                                                 side of the District. Jacinto City Elementary will begin
     Bus Routes/Campus Locator                                        construction on their new facility this school year and is
   Page 7                                                             scheduled to open in August 2020.
     Marching Band Festivals
     Nourish Your Body/Feed Your
     Mind                      A quality education in GPISD begins in Pre-Kindergarten
   Page 8                      and for many students opportunities exist beyond high
     Stay Connected            school graduation. This past school year, over 1,600
     Senior Gold Card
   Page 9                      students received their high school diploma in the District
     Football and Volleyball Schedules  with many receiving college credits by attending dual
   Page 10                     credit classes. Additionally, 33 students received their
     School Calendar           Associate’s Degree as graduates of our Early College High
     Free Immunizations        School and the Modified Early College Academy.
   Páginas 11-16
     Encuentra todos los artículos en
     español                                                       Success in the District is not limited to
                                                                    academics. The North Shore Mustangs achieved
                                                                    national recognition for their “Hail Mary” football state
                                                                    championship.  Fine Arts programs in the district continue
                                                                    to be second to none. Our goal continues to be to
                                                                     achieve at the highest level and to provide the best
                                                                     education possible in a safe, productive and healthy
                                                                     environment. We under-stand this would not be possible
                                                                     without the support of the Board of Trustees, parents,
                                                                     community members, business partners, District faculty
                                                                      and support staff.  We appreciate the support provided
                                                                      by our community and look forward to continuing to
                                                                      share our evidence of excellence with you!
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