Page 6 - GPS Back to School Edition
P. 6

6 •  Back-to-School Edition                    GALENA PARK SCHOOLS                                          August 2019

                                                                       GPISD Transportation

                                                                  GET ON BOARD

                                                                 BUS RIDER TIPS

                                                                 As a new school year begins, many students will ride the bus for the
                                                                 first time. With everyone adjusting to new schedules, it is important
                                    GALENA PARK I.S.D.               » ARRIVE at the bus stop five minutes early
                                                                     » REMIND your child to be aware of their surroundings and
                                    CHILDCARE                        report anything suspicious to the bus driver
                                                                     » COMMUNICATE - Encourage your child to tell you if they have
                                                                     an after school activity or if they are going home with a friend
                                    CENTER                       Infofinder is a great feature on the GPISD website to find your child’s

                                                                 bus route and bus stop. Go to and click on
                                                                 “Bus Routes/Campus Locator” under Quick Links.
                                                                 We safely transport our students more than 1 million miles each
   Galena Park I.S.D.  has operated an award-winning  child care   year, and their safety and security is always our top priority!
   program for employees since 2013, and we are excited to continue
   this tradition of excellence with the addition of a second location on   Note: Please be patient as buses may be slightly delayed during the
   the north side of the District.                               first week of school.

          United Way Brighter Beginnings Grant (sponsored by Exxon)
          State-licensed Childcare Center
          State of Texas 4 Star Texas Rising Star Center           RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST
          National Association for the Education of Young Children  (NAEYC)

                     Open Monday - Friday
                      6:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.

                       Registration Fees:
                       New student = $100
                      Additional child = $50
                     Returning student = $50

                     For more information:

                         Register online:

                TWO GREAT LOCATIONS

                SAME AMAZING SERVICE                            The Galena Park I.S.D. Board of Trustees recognized the Transportation
                                                                Department at the May board meeting for being named one of the
                                                                100 Best Fleets in the United States. This award identifies outstanding
         Galena Park I.S.D.              Becker Early           operations and promotes ever-increasing levels of productivity and
          Childcare Center             Childhood Center         operational effectiveness.
       14310 Duncannon Street            1906 2  Street
         Houston, TX 77015           Galena Park, TX 77547      “We are proud to be recognized as part of this program,” Ken Bush,
           832-386-2090                  832-386-3760           Director of Galena Park I.S.D. Transportation Department, states. “We
          Barbara Garrett,                Diana Sharp,          continue to keep safety our priority and discover new ways to increase
     Director of Childcare Services  Director of Childcare Services  productivity and manage our fleet of buses.”
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