Page 6 - 2024 EOY GPS - English
P. 6

From Mustang to Amazon Future Engineer

                                                                                                  By: Dr. Tommie L. Smith

                                                               hat’s right, from now on, Deyla Gutierrez
                                                               Cavazos will be referred to as an Amazon
                                                       TFuture Engineer! Because of her impressive
                                                        GPA and plans to obtain a bachelor’s degree in
                                                        integrated engineering (with a possible–and just
                                                        as impressive–minor in intellectual property law),
                                                        Deyla was recently named a 2024 Amazon Future
                                                        Engineer Scholarship recipient. She will receive up
                                                        to $40,000 in paid tuition to attend Washington and
                                                        Lee University in Lexington, VA, and a paid internship
        Deyla Gutierrez Awarded Amazon Scholarship      offer at Amazon after her freshman year.

      Deyla first developed a love for coding and computer science while excelling in AP Statistics,
      Advanced Pre Calculus, and AP Principles of Computer Science classes at Galena Park ISD’s
      North Shore Senior High School 10  Grade Center. Earlier this fall, her interests were heightened
      when she worked at one of the Mark Cuban Foundation AI Bootcamps. At Amazon, Deyla
      will benefit from practical, hands-on work experience while learning from an Amazon mentor.
      Along with networking opportunities, Amazon Future Engineer interns also develop skills in
      groundbreaking technologies and core platforms like Alexa voice recognition, Amazon web
      services, and the Amazon retail platform. As one of the founding members of North Shore
      Senior High School 10  Grade Center’s Girls Who Code Club, a Capital One and National
      Center for Women & Informational Technology (NCWIT) Coder, and a Kode with Klossy Scholar,
      we are certain Deyla Gutierrez Cavazos will emerge as a leader in the field of engineering!

       From Valedictorian to NASA Influencer

                                                                                                  By: Dr. Tommie L. Smith
              ngel Piña–remember that name because he will one day be a NASA influencer! Now
              that Angel has delivered his valedictorian speech to Galena
      APark High School’s 2024 Graduating Class, he will enroll at
      Stanford University. While Stanford was his third choice for college,
      he’s certain it is now his best choice. The California weather,
      NASA’s Ames Research Center–located [literally] across the
      street, and a full scholarship made Stanford an ideal fit. However,
      things have become a bit tricky with even more money…

      Due to Angel’s demonstrated excellence in courses like AP
      Calculus, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics, he has also been
      awarded the highly selective Gates Scholarship! His
      outstanding academic performance, demonstrated
      leadership ability, and exceptional personal success
      have resulted in Angel also being financially ready for
      postsecondary pursuits. Therefore, we must now refer
      to Angel Piña as a Valedictorian, Stanford student,
      Gates Scholar, and NASA influencer. The community
      of aerospace engineers will soon welcome an
      outstanding member!                                                Angel Piña’s Journey to Stanford and Beyond
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