Page 2 - PTA 2021-2022 Silent Auction
P. 2


               1. Click on the link at the bottom left on the
               page showing the item for which you would

               like to enter a bid.

               2. The link will take you to a form to
               complete. Before placing your bid, please
               review prior bids on the item by clicking on

               the link to view the previous bids (located on
               the form).

               3. Please bid in $5 increments (i.e., at least $5
               higher than the previous bid).

               4. The auction will close at 5:00 p.m. on April

               22. Winning bidders for each item will be
               notified by email, and payment is due (cash
               or check (addressed to GPCC PTA) to
               Sherrhonda Hunter / Jamie Young-Russell

               (GPISD Administration Building) April 28 –
               May 2. You may pick up your item at the
               time or after payment is received.

               5. Thank you for supporting the GPCC PTA
               Scholarship Fund!
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