Page 2 - GPS End of the Year Magazine 2020
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2 • End-of-Year Edition GALENA PARK SCHOOLS May 2020
Words For Our Seniors
Principals Share Thoughts With The Class of 2020
Class of 2020, this is not the way anyone could have predicted or envisioned the end of your senior year. You have
accomplished so much during your years in Galena Park I.S.D. schools-- from Kindergarten graduation, 5 grade graduation,
8 grade graduation and now your senior graduation. While this is not the graduation any of us hoped for, always be proud of
your accomplishments and know the entire country is celebrating the Class of 2020.
From Kindergarten to senior year, you have grown into the outstanding young men and women you are today. Your teachers
have seen you struggle, held your hands during tough times, spent extra time with you to ensure you understood school work
and encouraged you to keep striving and never give up on your dreams. We are saddened we won’t be able to celebrate
this momentous milestone in person on May 31 , but please know you will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
Whatever your plans after graduation, whether it be the military, college or the workforce, we offer you our support and best
wishes for success as you begin your next phase in life.
Hold your heads high and continue to be the WINNERS you are! If allowed, we look forward to celebrating your graduation in
person on August 2.
“To the Class of 2020, you “Students you have had
are a special class who has good times and bad, highs
endured many challenges and lows, laughter and tears
here. This Spring, you learned
and disappointments during more about honoring your
your senior year as a result community and sacrifice
of the COVID-19 crisis; as sad than any other group of
as this time apart has been, students in recent memory.
You learned that through
we had some great times personal sacrifice you could
together during your time at truly help save the lives of your
NSSH! Throughout this time, loved ones, your community,
you have shown that you can your world. Your sacrifices
persevere amid adversity and are honored today by not
only my family and me, but
Dr. Joe Coleman can achieve much success.” Dr. Kimberly Martin by our entire community.”
North Shore Senior High School Galena Park High School
“All across this great country “In life, every person has
members of the Class of 2020, to find his or her own way
whether in high school or college, of accomplishing goals.
have seen their dreams of a May It is not so much how you
graduation, with all the pomp do it, the important thing
and circumstance, and smiling is that you do it, that you
faces abound, disappear within finish what you start. Your
hours. But, I say this with all the struggles can be the best
respect that you have earned teacher you will ever have.
over the last four years on our Learn from them, learn
campus, you were the right class that giving into fears or
of students to carry this burden frustrations will only keep
Dr. Jeffrey Hutchinson and make the most of the limited Marcus Morrow you from achieving your
Early College High School possibilities. You are the perfect Accelerated Center for Education dreams.”
class to shoulder the weight of this pandemic and to be a
beacon of hope for the students who follow. You are the
perfect class of students to lead by example through the
darkness and back into the light.”