Page 23 - 2024 EOY GPS - English
P. 23

Galena Park ISD wants to provide your children with access to literacy opportunities all
       summer long! The Book Express is a mobile library that visits neighborhoods across the District
       during the summer. Students, as well as family and community members, can receive a free
       book to add to their home library from The Book Express. We hope you’ll come and visit us at
       one of the following stops near you.

                                   THE BOOK EXPRESS

                                   SUMMER SCHEDULE

              June 4, 2024                           June 6, 2024                         June 13, 2024
             Jumpstart Program                     Jumpstart Program                         MKV Program
                   9:00 a.m.                            12:00 p.m.                             9:00 a.m.
              Normandy Crossing                          North Shore                           Joyce Zotz
               Elementary School                     Elementary School                      Education Center
          12500 Normandy Crossing Dr.                14310 Duncannon                        13801 Hollypark Dr.
               Houston, TX 77015                      Houston, TX 77015                     Houston, TX 77015

              June 4, 2024                          June 11, 2024                         June 20, 2024

             Jumpstart Program                     Jumpstart Program                         MKV Program
                  12:00 p.m.                             9:00 a.m.                             9:00 a.m.
                   Cimarron                             Galena Park                             Cimarron
               Elementary School                     Elementary School                      Elementary School
                816 Cimarron St.                      401 North Main St.                     816 Cimarron St.
               Houston, TX 77015                    Galena Park, TX 77547                   Houston, TX 77015

              June 6, 2024                          June 11, 2024

                MKV Program                        Jumpstart Program
                   9:00 a.m.                            12:00 p.m.
              City of Galena Park                          Pyburn
                 Swimming Pool                       Elementary School
                  1600 16  St.                         12302 Coulson
             Galena Park, TX 77547                    Houston, TX 77015
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