Page 7 - 2019 GPS Mid Year English
P. 7

“Serving on the GPISD
                                                                                                                     Board of Trustees allows
                                                                                                                     me to be an agent for
                                                                                                                     change. It allows me to be
                                                                                                                     an advocate and a voice
                                                                                                                     for all of the students in the

                                                                                                                           - Wanda Heath Johnson

              Dawn Fisher                         Minnie Rivera                       Adrian Stephens
             Board Trustee                        Board Trustee                         Board Trustee

      Dawn Fisher                          Minnie Rivera                         Adrian Stephens                      “I cherish the opportunity to
                                                                                                                      give back to a school district
      Mrs. Fisher has been a               Ms. Rivera has been a member          Mrs. Stephens is the newest          that has given so much to me
      member since 2002. She is a          for seven years. She has two          member of the GPISD Board            in terms of my own personal
      proud product of Galena Park         children, who both graduated          of Trustees. She is a graduate       development.”
      High School and a product of         from Galena Park High School          of the High School for the
      the Galena Park community.           and four grandchildren.               Performing and Visual Arts                  - Wilfred J. Broussard, Jr.
                                                                                 and Prairie View A&M
                                                                                 University, where she received
                                                                                 her bachelor’s degree in
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