Page 9 - 2019 GPS Mid Year English
P. 9

PISD hosted a special luncheon to recognize and
                                                                           honor principals during National Principals Month. Local
                                                                           elected officials and community leaders were invited to
                                                             Gattend the event to visit with principals. Representative
                                                              Ana Hernandez thanked the principals for the dedication to
                                                              students and presented them with a certificate of recognition
                                                              from the House of Representatives.

                                                              We would like to thank Representative Ana Hernandez, Dr. Bill
                                                              Raffetto from San Jacinto College- North, Linda Sherrard, Joyce
                                                              Zotz, Corporal Reed Clark and Deputy Ricardo Rodriguez from
                                                              Constable Christopher Diaz’ Office for attending the luncheon.

                   n the last day of School Priority Month, Cimarron Elementary had a very special mystery reader!
                   Congressman Gene Green stopped by to read the House Mouse, Senate Mouse to the third
                   grade students.
      He was invited to talk about his job in Washington D.C. to enhance classroom lessons and explore how
      the Senate and Congress operate first hand.

      Congressman Green brought the book House Mouse, Senate Mouse to explain how laws work from a
      mouse's point of view. After finishing the book, students were able to ask the Congressman questions
      about his job and how he became a politician.

      Congressman Green presented Principal Galaviz with a flag flown over the United State Capitol on
      November 11.

      Thank you, Congressman Green, for coming to Cimarron Elementary to teach our students about the
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