Page 10 - 2025 Mid-Year GPS Magazine
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Prize Posse Reprise
Innovation and creativity are key to fostering
a vibrant learning environment that also lends
to Galena Park ISD’s legacy of academic
excellence. The Galena Park ISD Education
Foundation is tremendously supportive of
sustaining such vibrancy. Founded by Dr. Shirley
J. Neeley in 1998, the Education Foundation was
established to enrich, enhance, and maximize
the educational programs of GPISD students and
staff. Awarded funds are used to facilitate student
achievement and skill development, recognize
Students Enjoy STEM Activities at JCE
and encourage staff excellence, and expand
community involvement for individuals, businesses, and civic organizations.
One of the foundation’s key initiatives is the GPISD Education Foundation Innovative Grants
program. Through an application process, grants are awarded annually to selected teachers
and staff for their proposals which are centered around curriculum-enriching activities. Winners of
these grants are surprised, celebrated, and awarded in grand fashion on their campus by a visit
from the “Prize Posse.” On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, teachers at Jacinto City Elementary
School, Zotz Education Center, and North Shore Senior High School received grants to launch
Full STEM Ahead, The Plant Care Project, and Threads of Creativity: A Fashion Exhibit Inspiring the
Future (respectively).
At Jacinto City Elementary School, Jamie Kropp, Sherri Snook, Nora Amador, Rosalba Tamez,
and Rebecka McNeal wanted students to collaborate, create, and think critically while
engaging in hands-on STEM activities. Their application for Full STEM Ahead was approved for
an impressive accompanying award of $4,800! Those funds have been used to acquire Lego
kits, Magna-tiles, linking cubes, and a classroom set of Chromebooks. The curriculum has been
enriched for Jacinto City Elementary School students to include hands-on activities about
force and friction, 2D and 3D shapes, vertices, and composing and decomposing shapes.
The classroom set of Chromebooks allowed the class to maximize the use of their desktop
computers and play interactive science games in battles with classmates. Research for and
creating class projects–using these supplemental tools–is also used for classroom “exit tickets”
at times.
These activities inspire students to think critically
and solve real-world problems. Full STEM Ahead
emphasized collaboration and innovation
and encouraged students to collaborate
on projects challenging their understanding
of STEM concepts. By providing a strong
foundation in these areas, enrichment like
this prepares students for the demands of the
modern workforce and ignites a passion for
lifelong learning. Students Prepare For Fashion Exhibit