Page 16 - 2019 GPS Mid Year English
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The Galena Park High School Purple Sage Elementary Crystal Arguelles and David North Shore Senior High School
Junior Varsity Golf Team placed received the PTA National Hernandez, Galena Park Marching Band advanced to
3 at the Bayou Golf Course School of Excellence Award. High School students, were the University Interscholastic
Tournament. Klayton Hale recognized as National Hispanic League (UIL) Class 6A State
was named the tournament Merit Scholars by the College Marching Contest held in San
champion. Board. Antonio, Texas.
North Shore 10 Grade Center The Galena Park High School Yeri Villalobos, North Shore Tracy Schmidt, Secondary ESL
FFA students, Veronica Sanchez Band of Gold placed 4 at the Middle School Assistant Instructional Specialist, was
and Cadance Smith, placed Katy ISD Marching Festival. Principal, was awarded the named the Region 4 TexTESOLer
2 in the District FFA Leadership Outstanding Early-Career of the Year.
Contest in Public Relations. Teaching award by Humanities