Page 11 - 2019 GPS Mid Year English
P. 11
n Wednesday, December
5, Green Valley Elementary
(GVE) participated in Shop
Owith a Cop sponsored by
the Harris County Fraternal Order of
Police (FOP) Lodge No. 39. Twenty
GVE students had the opportunity to
go on a shopping spree for Christmas
gifts for themselves and family
members at Walmart.
The FOP is always looking to bridge
the gap with the community, and
Shop with a Cop is one of the many
ways they gave back. Each deputy
is paired with a child to help the
students pick out toys, clothes,
sporting accessories and games. The children walked around
with huge smiles on their faces as they shopped for early
Christmas gifts.
“We always try to give back to the community,”
Sergeant Julia Davis said. “It means so much to them and
also means so much to us.”
Galena Park ISD and Green Valley Elementary would
like to thank the FOP for providing Christmas cheer to
these gators!