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Remote Learning Tips For Parents
Galena Park I.S.D. understands this is an unique time for our students, parents and families.
Parents can help their child(ren) by providing them with structure, a routine and being a positive
force in their child(ren)’s education. Remember, we are all in this together!
1 – Help your child(ren) establish and follow a routine.
Treat school days just like you would if your child(ren) were attending school in person. This
includes waking up at the same time and eating a healthy breakfast everyday.
2 – Check in with your child(ren)’s advisor or teachers.
Teachers and advisors are always willing to connect with parents via email or phone. Be on the
lookout for any communication from teachers indicating they are having trouble connecting
with your child(ren).
3 – Encourage physical activity and exercise.
Your child(ren) will be sitting in front of the computer for long stretches of time. Encourage them
to stretch, walk the dog, or do jumping jacks — any movement helps!
4 – Resist the urge to sit in on classes with your child(ren).
While it may be tempting to “pop in” on your child(ren)’s classes, please allow your child(ren)’s
teacher to work with the class independently. Connect with faculty and staff through email.
5 – Take care of you.
This tip is extra important! Take the time to take care of you. If you’re not taking care of your
own physical, emotional and mental needs, you will have less energy and patience to connect
with and take care of your child(ren).
Remote Learning Expectations
Students participating in remote learning will be scheduled similarly to students in traditional
classrooms, with minor changes. It is important to remind your child(ren) that class participation is
crucial to their success in any class. Below you will find a list of what your child can expect while
participating in remote learning:
• To be engaged in instructional activities for a minimum of four (4) hours each day
• To be marked “present,” students must engage in educational activity
by 11:59 p.m. each day
• To complete work both independently and guided by a teacher
• To have all assignments evaluated and/or graded
• To attend at least one interactive class session in Google Meet each
week for each scheduled subject/course
• To engage in instructional conversations with teachers each week
• To take the same assessments (tests) as students on campus
• To submit all work electronically through the assigned teacher’s
Learning Management System