Page 13 - GPS vol8 MY MagFormat 2020
P. 13
Fathers Take Your Child
to School Day
alena Park Independent School District (GPISD) invited fathers and father figures
to participate in GPISD’s Fathers Take Your Child to School Day. All 26 GPISD’s
campuses hosted fathers and father figures to eat breakfast with their child
and attend a brief presentation by school administrators encouraging them to
G volunteer in our schools.
Over 4,250 fathers and men across the community participated in Fathers Take Your Child to
School Day. This event was established to encourage fathers to take a more active role in their
child’s life and introduce them to their child’s school community.
Galena Park I.S.D. appreciates fathers and father figures for being actively involved
in their child’s education and making a commitment to attending this
annual event.