Page 16 - State of the District 2021
P. 16



                                                                                We are fortunate in GPISD to have an outstanding

                                                                                Business Services Department!

                                                                                The District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
                                                                                received both the Association of School Business Officials’
                                                                                Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting and the
                                                                                Government Finance Officers Association’s Certificate of
                                                                                Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the
                                                                                year ended August 31, 2019.

                                                                                This year the Texas Education Agency awarded GPISD it’s
                                                                                highest rating, ‘A-Superior’ rating for the state’s Financial

                                                                                Integrity Rating System of Texas.

                                                                                In March 2020, Texas Association of School Business
                                                                                Officials recognized the GPISD Purchasing Department
                                                                                with the Award of Merit for Purchasing Operation. This is
                                                                                the sixth time GPISD has received this award!

                                                                                Galena Park I.S.D. was also one of only 44 school districts
                                                                                in Texas to earn a five-star rating from TXSmartSchools,

                                                                                indicating success in combining cost-effective spending
                                                                                with student achievement.

                                                                                Lastly, the District’s bonds are rated AAA by Fitch
                                                                                Ratings and by Moody’s Investors Service, based on the
                                                                                guarantee of the Permanent School Fund of the State of
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