Page 3 - 2023 EOY GPS Magazine
P. 3

Alleya, how did Early College High School prepare you for
                                             your future?
                                             Attending Early College High School really got me ready for
                                             my future as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. I already
                                             have my Associate Degree in Applied Science, and I am
                                             giving a lot of thought to staying here (at San Jacinto College)
                                             to continue the San Jac Promise. Early College High School
                                             gave me a great head start because while I’ve been here, I
                                             have chosen my career path, completed courses required for
                                             certification, and have even been accepted into Phi Theta
                                             Kappa, an international college honor society.

                        Alleya Jackson

      What did you learn in high school that you didn’t expect to learn?
      I learned a lot about time management. While in high school, I was active as a high school
      student, college student, member of the National Honor Society, member of the dance team,
      and I served on the Student Council. I had to prioritize my time and focus on my interests, and
      high school gave me a glimpse of what managing my time would look like as an adult.

      Terrance, how did ACE (Accelerated Center for Education)
      prepare you for your future?
      ACE helped me graduate earlier than expected. This is my third
      and final year of high school! While attending school here, I
      was able to earn credits at a fast pace and also make plans for
      my future. The student-centered learning model was extremely
      helpful. I benefited from smaller classes and one-on-one
      support because I was able to ask all the questions I needed
      and work at my own pace.

      ACE seems like a special place in GPISD. Is there anyone you
      connected with while attending?                                                             Terrance McAdams
      Mrs. Flatt! She really helped me and guided my focus. We
      began talking about what I needed to complete for graduation; then my plans became
      graduating early. All along the way, Mrs. Flatt was open and flexible. She also helped me
                                             figure out what I wanted to pursue after graduation. I am
                                                   really glad that I met Mrs. Flatt, and I am grateful for her
                                                   motivation and support.

                                                These outstanding students are looking forward to exploring
                                              new adventures, meeting diverse people, and gaining
                                              independence. While they are grateful for their journey and
                                                    the support GPISD has provided to help them become
                                                     productive citizens and lifelong learners, they are
                                                     eager to embark on this new chapter to see where it
                                                   takes them.
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