Page 12 - 2024 GPS Mid-Year (English Publication)
P. 12
Prize Posse Reprise
By: Dr. Tommie L. Smith
Did you know that one coach was awarded one grant for one after-school soccer program at
the elementary level, which aided in the spawning of an after-school soccer program at nearly
every GPISD elementary school? Did you know that Life Skills teachers have created a loft to
facilitate independent living for their students? Or did you know that the social-emotional well-
being of high school students is being supported in a calming room? These are just a few of
Galena Park ISD’s Education Foundation winning grant ideas; we invite you to follow along as we
follow up on some of the most recent teachers and their projects.
Each year, Galena Park ISD educators can apply for grants to fund innovative instruction for their
classrooms, departments, or campuses. The Education Foundation Grants Selection Committee
carefully considers each application and selects recipients. There’s a great deal of fanfare
surrounding the notification and awarding of recipients; however, a glimpse into the actual
implementation of awards is seen.
Teresa Brown-Perez has a passion for student success in and out of the classroom and simply
wanted her elementary students to learn and love soccer, so she pitched Soccer for Life to
the Foundation. With the goals of having fun, working together as a team, and learning how
to support one another, funding was awarded! Finally, at the elementary level, Soccer for Life
begins with students being responsible for building a team and ensuring its success. Brown-Perez
feels “soccer is another route to achieving success, and like Helen Keller once said: Alone we
can do so little, but together we can do so much more.” A love for the sport is also instilled by
journaling and making time for students to record their experiences by writing in their journals.
Such journaling also extends learned skills such as writing to student
interests. The transfer of learning through soccer has even
extended to almost all elementary schools throughout the District!
“‘Soccer Is Life’ is what we instill in our kids,
it truly encompasses all the skills they
need to be successful!”
With preparing students to become productive citizens and
lifelong learners as the District’s mission, Marissa Anderson’s
Foundation grant mirrors the mission: Students will gain
independent living and vocational skills. In fact, Life Skills in
the Loft helps the special education students at Galena
Park High School gain independent living skills necessary
to function in society. The additional funding provided
furniture, appliances, supplies, and space to simulate
apartment living and a potential workplace environment
to grow students’ independent living and vocational
skills. The Life Skills Teachers now utilize classroom and
kitchen space to their full potential by creating a
mock apartment/loft. These teachers are also giving
their students hands-on experiences and practice
while learning crucial skills to maximize students’
Teresa Brown-Perez independence toward being productive citizens and