Page 9 - 2023 EOY GPS Magazine
P. 9

Ecobot Engineers Excellence In Education

              alena Park ISD’s Elementary STEM and
              Robotics Students won awards at the
     GAll-Earth EcoBot Challenge (sponsored
      annually by Harris County Department of
      Education’s CASE of Kids program and hosted
      at North Shore 10  grade Campus) this past
      Earth Day April 22, 2023. The All-Earth Ecobot
      Challenge is an innovative engineering
      competition that engages fourth through
      eighth-grade students in complex problem-
      solving while developing critical thinking skills
      and elevating their confidence in formulating
      solutions to real-world missions. Teams
      created robots using LEGO® Education
      robotic kits to navigate challenges based on                       Tice Elementary’s Robo and BotSquad Teams
      real-world environmental issues.

      This year, 54 competitive yet tech-savvy teams throughout Harris County competed in the
      engineering event and GPISD entered ten elementary teams that dominated the event.

         First Place Engineering
         Tice Robo (TICE) : Jade Sosa, Jhoseline Portillo and Malikah Bell

         Second Place Engineering
         BotSquad (TICE): Jacob Cerda Jr., Jonathan
         Vargas, Peyton Stephens and Kevin Gibson
         Coaches: Jacob Cerda, Taylor Baker,
         Yajaira Algaheim and Joi Murphy

         Third Place Engineering
         Team: “Quandale” (SAM) Daniel Tovar,
         Aubree Garcia, Jonathan Cerda, Anderson
         Cruz and Jack Lemus
         Coaches: Shante Randle and Terri Walding
         Additional Support: Angie Guerrero and
         Jacqueline Sanchez

         Best in Programming
         TEAM Lady Jackets (GPE) Faith Browning,
                 Daniela Cruz, Isabella Flores,
                     Kimberly Macias
                      and Suzette Vazquez
                      Coach: Kaneice Washington

                                                                          Team Lady Jackets Win Best In Programming
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